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Rew X Rayous

Integration of Rayous with Rew.

About Rayous

Rayous is a simple typescript framework that renders .ts and .tsx files into html using js. It uses components to render pages and uses classes to make and control the elements.

import {  Component, Widget, Text } from "rayous";
export default class extends Component {
    return new Widget({
      children: [
        new Text('Hello, World!')

More about Rayous


# pimmy
pimmy -Sa rew.rayous
# rew
rew install github:kevinJ045/rew.rayous
# rewpkgs
rew install @rewpkgs/rew.rayous

Node Dependencies

You will need to install rayous to your app with npm before you procees, since it will be using your node_modules folder to bundle the client side scripts.

npm i rayous


First, you will need to create a server with serve. rew.rayous will give you a Serve.FileRouter. Because of the FileRouter it gives you, it also has all the features that the FileRouter has.

import createRouter from "rew.rayous"
import Svr from "serve"

server = Svr::create fetch: createRouter realpath './app'

  .port 3456
  .log 'Listening $port'

Creating the app

Once you created the folder you want to use, in this example it's the ./app folder, you can start by creating a In it, you can start using Rayous.

import { Component, Widget, Text } from "rayous";

export default class extends Component
  build: (props) ->
    new Widget children: [
      new Text 'Hello, rayous X rew!'


As you would have guessed, not all Rayous features are supported inside of rew.rayous, since most features of Rayous are specific to it's server and can't be used in other environments. But the below are supported features:

Features Replaced by Rew

Some features are replaced by rew's serve module. like:

Example App

In the repo there is a file named and test-app folder, you can explore those to see more about how rew.rayous works.