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Rew Conf

The rew conf module is the root structure of rew, it not only manages the local data for rew, like repos, but it also stores your installed apps and all data for each app.


The conf root is the path where all your conf data is put, it is located at ~/.local/share/rew, and every app you install and it's settings along with it's database is put there.

Managing the conf

The built in conf command helps manage your conf.


rew conf get [packagename]/[?folder]


rew conf remove|set [packagename]/[?folder]

Conf Api

You can use the conf module in your code by importing the conf module.


conf = imp 'conf'
# when you import this,
# you automatically create a config center
# at the rew root

# this just puts this at _default.yaml
conf.set 'mySetting', 'myValue'

# this creates a animations.yaml, with the
# default value of the second argument
animations = conf.optionCenter 'animations',
  enable: true,
  speed: '1x',
  easing: 'linear'

print 'speed is', animations.get 'speed'

# You can also create static files
# and store it at your conf
conf.staticFile 'path/to/staticFile.txt'
	# When you write, you can even pass
	# buffers
	# if you pass true in the end here, you will
	# only write this if the file doesn't exist
	.write 'this is the default value', true
	# returns a buffer, unless you pass a string
	# to the read function.
	# returns a json if you pass an empty object