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The using directive

The using directive is both a runtime and a compile-time directive. It can help tell the compiler what pre-installed compilers to enable, with the option to tell the compiler to compile with certain options. But it can also be used in a custom way to do custom functions based on what the context is using.

Runtime Changes

The using directive has a namespace in the context called __using__. which is where all the options you enabled with using sit. It helps to do optional tasks based on what a context is using.

  'UseName': true,
  'AnotherOption': [param1, param2],
    myOption: 'myValue'

Using the directive

using 'UseName'
# __using__['UseName'] = true
using 'UseName', onlyOneParameter
# __using__['UseName'] = onlyOneParameter
using 'UseName', param1, param2, ...
# __using__['UseName'] = [param1, param2, ...]

Default using options

There are a few names that enable compiler level options like JSX or TypeScript that come by default.

  • JSX:
    • Enables JSX to the current context. Example:
      using JSX
      You can also pass the JSX createElement function by doing as follows: Example:
      myCreateElementFunction = (elt) -> { elementName: elt }
      using JSX, myCreateElementFunction
  • TYPES:
    • Enables Typescript in the current file. Example:
      using TYPES

Keep in mind, default using options are passed without strings.

Custom Stuff

You can define and use your own options with the using directive. These custom options can be used to enable or configure features specific to your application.

using 'MyOwnStuff'

if __using__.MyOwnStuff
  print 'using my own stuff'

## Or, with params:

using 'MyOwnStuff', myOption: 'myValue'

if __using__.MyOwnStuff
  print __using__.MyOwnStuff.myOption # myValue


Usage is a class that is recognized by the directive and can be used to make a trigger for usages.

myOwnUsage = Usage::create 'myUsage', (params) ->
  print 'using myUsage with ', params

using myOwnUsage, 'arg1', 'arg2', () -> 'this is a callback'

Usage namespaces

There's a helper function for the using directive called namespace. it lets you run a function in a subcontext of your choice.

myContext =
  property: 'value'

globalVariable = 1

using namespace myContext, ->
  print localVariable, property


Keep in mind that namespaces will only share global variables and no local variables will be shared with the subcontext.

Usage Groups

A usage group let's you declare arguments to pass for using.

toUse = Usage::group 'name', 'param1', 'param2', ...
using toUse

Namespace Groups

A namespace group is like a usage group except that it only takes two parameters.

toUse = [nameSpaceObject, () -> 'subcontexted function'], { customProperties }
using namespace toUse

Usage Merge

A lets you merge multiple usages into one.

toUse = Usage::merge usageOne, usageTwo, usageThree
using toUse

Note that this only works for Usage classes