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Module fs

Rew comes with the node's fs module by default, you don't need to import this module as it is there by default.


  • read: Reads files
  • write: Writes to files
  • exists: Checks if file exists
  • fstat: Gives you the file stats
  • rm: Removes files
  • chmod: Changes file permissions
  • mkdir: Creates Directories
  • ls: Lists Directories


  • basename(string, suffix): Gives the path's basename
  • dirname: Gives the dirname of the given path
  • extname: Gives the file extension of the given path
  • pjoin: Joins given paths
  • presolve: Resolves given paths


myFile = read './myfile.txt'
print myFile # file content

write './myfile.txt', "My content"

# Allow access for everyone
chmod './myfile.txt', 077 

print 'It Exists' if exists './myfile.txt'