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Rew X Gtk


This library is still under development and testing, there will often be breaking changes as well as many new features.

Integration of The GTK Project with rew using node-gtk bindings.


You can install Rew/Gtk from github:kevinJ045/rew.gtk with either pimmy or rew.

# pimmy
pimmy -Sa rew.gtk
# rew
rew install github:kevinJ045/rew.gtk
# rewpkgs
rew install @rewpkgs/rew.gtk

Basic Usage

The library needs you to pass the config as an import assertion when you import it.

ui = imp 'rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0'

start = ->
  window = ui.Window::create title: 'MyTitle'

  btn = new ui.Gtk.Button( label: 'Click Me' )
  window.setChild btn

ui.gtk_app.on 'activate', start


In this example:

  • imp 'rew.gtk': Import
    • We import the library first
    • gtk: '4.0' will require gtk version 4.0 from the gi repository
  • start = ->: Main function
    • We declare the main function and inside of it we create a window
  • ui.startMain: Start mainloop
    • We start the mainloop for the app The basic example shows the basic usage for the Gtk binding


Exports from the rew.gtk library:

  • UI:
    • The main export, can be imported as:
      UI = imp 'rew.gtk'
      # or
      import * as UI from 'rew.gtk'
    • It is a Usage, and can be used with using, takes a function and calls it with a UI Context as an argument.
  • init:
    • The sub export, a function to force-get a UI Context without a using.
      UI = imp 'rew.gtk'
      UICtx = UI.init gtk: '4.0', package: app.config.manifest.package
    • Takes a UI Config and returns a UI Context

UI Config

The UI Config can be used to create a UI Context and it influences the way the context behaves.

package: string # Package name
name: string # Name

# GTK Version
gtk: '4.0' | '3.0'

UI Context

The UI Context holds all the functions and Gtk as well.

config: uiConfig # UI Config
  # The entire require result from
  # gi.require 'Gtk'
gtk_app: Gtk.Application
appLoop: Gtk.MainLoop
startMain: Function # Start mainloop
require: Function # gi.require

Registry: {
  register: Function # To register elements

elements: {} # All registered elements
Widget: Class # A custom wrapper widget class
Component: Class # To declare custom elements
Window: Usage # A usage to create windows
createClass: Function # depricated

refine: Function # Beautify the using syntax
setup: Function # Returns a setup for a usage

Using as a usage

Using the default usage, we can get a UI Context to work with.

using imp('rew.gtk'), (ui) ->
	start = ->
	  window = ui.Window::create title: 'MyTitle'
	  btn = new ui.Gtk.Button( label: 'Click Me' )
	  window.setChild btn
	ui.gtk_app.on 'activate', start

Using as a namespace

By using import assertions to get a UI Context on import, we can use the context we get as a namespace.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0'), ->
	start = ->
	  window = Window::create title: 'MyTitle'
	  btn = new Gtk.Button( label: 'Click Me' )
	  window.setChild btn
	gtk_app.on 'activate', start

Using setup

The setup function will help by setting up the activate event and calls the startMain after our function is called.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	window = Window::create title: 'MyTitle'
	btn = new Gtk.Button( label: 'Click Me' )
	window.setChild btn

Using the Window usage

The Window usage gives us a window context, and automatically calls the function. Takes in a function and calls it with a Window Context as a caller.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
  # Optionally, you can use using Window, ->
	using refine(Window) ->
		@setChild new Gtk.Button( label: 'Click Me' )

Window Context

You can get the window context with either using the UIContext/Window as a Usage or calling the UIContext/Window::create function.

 - Gtk.Window if gtk is 3.0
 - Gtk.ApplicationWindow if gtk is 4.0
setChild: (Widget | Gtk.Widget) -> void 
 - Sets the child or adds a child to the window
 - window.hide

on: From emitter
off: From emitter
emit: From emitter

setTitle: (string) -> void
  - Sets the title
setTitleBar: (Widget | Gtk.Widget) -> void 
  - Sets the title bar

# Only for JSX
Store: Store
ref: () -> State
state: (value: any) -> State
surge: (state: State, fn: Function) -> State

# Only on usage
render: () -> void

Using elements

You can use the elements namespace to create elements.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using Window, ->
		new elements.button 'hi'

Using JSX

To use JSX, We will be using the JSX usage operator and Window.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
		<button>Click Me</button>

Using States with JSX

Once we get our window context, we can use the WindowContext.state function to create states.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
		count = @state 1
			<button on:click={() -> count.set(count.get() + 1)}>Increment</button>

One widget can only hold one state as it's child, and can hold multiple states as properties/attributes.

Widgets as states

You can store anything in states, even widgets.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
		count = @state 1
		widgetToChange = @state (<label>Default Widget</label>)
			<button on:click={() -> widgetToChange.set(<text>{count}</text>)}>Show Count</button>
			<button on:click={() -> count.set(count.get() + 1)}>Increment</button>


A ref is a reference to a widget saved in a state. Using refs you can reference a child in the jsx nest inside of the same nest.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
		popupRef = @ref()
      <popover useRef={popupRef}>
      <button on:click={() -> popupRef.widget.popup()}>
        <image icon="list-add" />

Refs with useBy prop

You can alternatively call a function after the creation of the widget.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
			<text useBy={() -> @widget.setLabel('Changed')}>This will be immediately changed</text>

Using states with attributes

To use states with attributes:

using refine(Window) ->
  orientation = @state 'horizontal'
  <box orientation={orientation}>
    <button on:click={() -> orientation.set 'vertical'}>Set vertical</button>

Using surge

surge can be used to map/format/transform a state value to a different value.

using refine(Window) ->
  percent = @state 1
    <text>{@surge percent, (percent) => percent + '%'}</text>
    <button on:click={() -> percent.set(percent.get() + 1)}>Progress</button>

Array State

Handling arrays might be a bit difficult, so the ArrayState class or @states function solves most issues with it.

using refine(Window) ->
  alphabet = @states [1..10]
        .filter (letter) => letter isnt 'm'
        .map (letter) => <text>{letter}</text>


Keep in mind to keep most states in their own component or wrapper element. As they might re-order your widget tree on update.

Window Context Events

  • ready:
    • The ready event fires once the rendering is done. can be used for many usecases such as the below example:
    # A simple progress bar
    using refine(Window) ->
      # Define a state
      progressVal = @state 0
      # When the app is ready, it fires
      @on 'ready', _update = async =>
        if progressVal.get() < 71
          await sleep 10
          progressVal.set progressVal.get() + 1
        <progress-bar show-text={true} fraction={@surge progressVal, (val) -> val / 100}>
    • Simpler example:
    using refine(Window) ->
      @on 'ready', ->
        print 'app is ready'
        <text>Check console</text>


A Store is a set of States, it can hold many states and be a center of a related group of states.

using refine(Window) ->
  store = @Store::new ->
    @count = 1
    @reference = @ref()
    <button on:click={() -> store.count = store.$count + 1}>Increment</button>


  • @Store::new takes a function, and when we can declare states in the store itself but as raw values except if it's a widget ref.
  • To get the value of a store item as a state, we use the store.item.
  • To get the value of a store item as the value itself, we use the store.$item.
  • To set the value of a store item we simply do: store.item = newValue

Using bind

The bind attribute can be used for a variety of widgets, such as entry, check, toggle-button and many more. To use bind we just pass bind={state}.

using refine(Window) ->
  isTrue = @state true
  inputVal = @state 'default value'
    <check bind={isTrue}>Toggle</check>

    <input bind={inputVal}></input>

Widget Events

GTK Widgets all have different signals/events. and to listen to an event, you simply can do this:

<widget on:event-name={() -> 'function'} />

Window Props

We can set special window props inside of widgets for special use. Like title bars for example. Using the window-prop attribute, we can set it to a string which can determine where and how the widget will be configured.

<header-bar window-prop='title_bar'></header-bar>

Available Props:

  • title_bar:
    • Sets the widget as a title bar

Custom Elements

You can declare custom elements as either a Component or a registered element.

Custom GTK Classes

You can declare custom wrapper classes.

using namespace UI, () ->
  MyClass = Widget::class {
    gtk: Gtk.[ClassName]
    # constructor
    constructor: (widget, options) -> ...
    # a function to fix creation arguments
    factorArguments: () -> ...
    # name for registry
    name: 'my-el'
    # A function to run before the creation of the class
    onCreate: (WidgetClass) ->
      WidgetClass::MyProp = ...
      WidgetClass.onProp 'text', () ->
    # this will be a normal method.
    method: () ->
      # @widget is the Gtk Widget instance

Later on, you can use this custom class as:

using refine(Window) ->

Or you can just register it:

Registry.register MyClass
# now you can access it with
new elements['my-el']
# or use jsx with it
using refine(Window) ->

Component as function

CustomEl = (props, ...children) ->

using refine(Window) ->

Component as a Component

CustomEl = Component 'my-element', (props, ...children) ->

using refine(Window) ->

Component as an element

Using the element Registry, you can define the component as an element.

CustomEl = Component 'my-element', (props, ...children) ->
Registry.register CustomEl
using refine(Window) ->


Let's make two files, and let's make one of the files a place to declare components while the other for actual usage.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
	using JSX, Widget::create
	using refine(Window) ->
		myState = @state 'my state value'
			<my-component orientation='horizontal'>

Now let's make the

export start = (UI) ->
  using namespace UI, ->
    using JSX, Widget::create
    El = Component 'my-component', (props, ...children) ->
      <box orientation={props.orientation}>
    Registry.register El

Phantom Syntax

rew.gtk comes with a header file for Phantom Syntax.

using namespace imp('#rew.gtk', gtk: '4.0').setup ->
  using JSX, Widget::create
  Component('my-component') comp = (props, ...children) ->
      <box orientation={props.orientation}>
  Registry.register comp
  using refine(Window) ->
    @state myState = 'my state value'
      (val) => val + ' surged'
    ) mySurge = myState
    @ref Myref
    <box useRef={Myref}>
      <my-component orientation='horizontal'>

Advanced Example

In this example, there are complex structures and almost all working and available widgets that have been refactored for rew.gtk.

using namespace imp('rew.gtk',
  gtk: '4.0',
  package: packageName
).setup ->
  using JSX as Widget::create
  using refine(Window) ->
    using refine(
      @Store::flux ->
        @active = true
        @popoverRef = @ref()
        @isOnToggle = true
        @isOnCheck = false
        @isOnSwitch = false
        @radioSwitch = 'one'
        @inputVal = 'This is a state'
        @progressVal = 0
    ) ->

      @on 'ready', _update = async =>
        if @store.$progressVal < 71
          await sleep 10
          @store.progressVal = @store.$progressVal + 1

        <header-bar window-prop='title_bar'>
            <button><image icon="list-add" /></button>
            <button><image icon="edit-find" /></button>
            <button><image icon="open-menu" /></button>
          <notebook on:switch-page={() => @store.progressVal.set(0) && _update()}>
              <label>Tab 1</label>
              <box spacing={10}>
                <progress-bar show-text={true} fraction={@surge @store.progressVal, (val) -> val / 100}>
                <level-bar inverted={true} min-value={0} max-value={100} value={@store.progressVal}></level-bar>
            <box name="t2">
              <box orientation="horizontal" spacing={10}>
                <image icon="edit-copy" />
                <label>Tab 2</label>
                <image pixel-size={100} file={realpath './assets/rew.png'} />
                <grid maxCols={10}>
                <stack active={}>
                  <button on:click={() -> active.set 'Second'} name="First">Switch Two</button>
                  <button on:click={() -> active.set 'Third'} name="Second">Switch Three</button>
                  <button on:click={() -> active.set 'First'} name="Third">Switch One</button>
            <box name="hello">
              <label>Tab 3</label>
                <popover useRef={@store.popoverRef}>
                    <label>Popover Content</label>
                    <toggleButton bind={@store.isOnToggle}>Toggle</toggleButton>
                    <check bind={@store.isOnCheck}>Check</check>
                    <switch bind={@store.isOnSwitch}></switch>
                    <radio-group bind={@store.radioSwitch}>
                      <radio name="one">One</radio>
                      <radio name="two">Two</radio>
                    <spin-button adjustment:lower={1} adjustment:upper={10} adjustment:step-increment={1}></spin-button>
                <search bind={@store.inputVal}></search>
                  on:click={() => @store.popoverRef.widget.popup()}>Open</button>
          <paned position={30} orientation='horizontal'>

More about RewXGtk

You can see the github repo for more information. You can try looking at the code or report issues.